note- this post puts my scattered brain on display.
today i bought smoked sea salt! i'm excited about it. have you tried it? i've never even heard of it, but my local health food store has a wonderful bulk section and so i happened upon it- between the pink himalayan salt, and black volcanic salt. the last time i bought pink salt, it was a long while ago, to put on vegan chocolate truffles. salt + chocolate... yum.
i'm trying to circumnavigate the winter blues- i'm always trying. for my birthday instead of gifts or flowers or anything like that, my mom got me supplements. whew. after researching (very important book and some important health-related websites from which you can search articles on specific ailments gary null, weston a. price, dr.Mercola --- you may find conflicting advice between these sites, as these are all boundary-pushing medical and nutrional experts. practice due diligence and trust your instincts.) i'm taking holy basil, a liquid D3 vitamin, iron, B complex, Essential Fatty Acids, and magnesium. apparently magnesium is really important in depression. I got my supplements from quantum nutrition labs" who make very high quality products.
a bunch of these supplements are liquids. if you take liquid supplements, first see if they can be mixed with other things. if so, a smoothie is certainly the way to go. the EFA's i'm taking are impossible for me to swallow on a spoon. today i made a smoothie with:
* all my liquid supplements
* frozen dark cherries
* banana
* flax
* chia seeds
* maca powder
* a splash of coconut milk
* cranberry juice to cover
* almonds
* dried hibiscus
it was delicious. now i have no excuse not to finish cleaning and rearranging my room, or to deal with my hair emergency.... (i was going for platinum and accidentally turned it blue...)

i'm scattered mentally, physically and psychically right now. 3 days a week i work in the city, 3 days i'm at my folks (1.5 hours away from nyc), 1 day i'm confused about where i'm sleeping.... so there's that. there's my winter blues to contend with. i want to share with you my favorite foods, but i'm not eating them right now! most days, i'm eating bananas+dried fruit+nuts or g-f bagels or toast with coconut oil in the morning, with coffee! i eat jalepeno potato chips and a v-8 on the train, and i snack on fruits and nuts all day. today i had french fries. the other night a weird lentil soup at an italian place while all my cousins ate pizza... sushi 2 or 3 times last week. i'm just not that creative at eating right now. but i think its coming soon! i've got an income now, and the supplements should help. so. see you soon! with lovely food!