chocolate, oh chocolate. chocolovely love. by now, most people are aware of the beautiful, health-giving properties of this super, indeed, food. cacao, itself, is good for the heart/blood/vessels, is high in antioxidants, has magnesium, iron, and phosphorous, regulates insulin levels, can inhibit cancer growth, and on and on... blah... SO GOOD! EAT YOUR CHOCOLATE!
but wait---- what's in your chocolate? refined sugar? buttermilk solids? soy lecithin? how much chocolate is in your chocolate?
try to eat the darkest chocolate you can find, with the highest quality ingredients. here, i've found it: gnosis chocolate a RAW food chocolate of superior ingredients, chosen carefully by vanessa barg to be the most healthful ingredients, acquired in the most ethical way.
i just received my case of supercounselor bars which are jam-packed with super super foods. tulsi (holy basil) cat's claw, ashwaganda, reishi mushrooms... its a crazy amzing thing. and its delicious. silky and satisfying. i'm going to give them out to some moms i know, for a certain, arbitrary, spring holiday that's on its way.
ps-peep the chocoblog
Delaware Phoenix Absinthe.... i read about this in the recent

delaware phoenix absinthe sounds like a beautiful beverage. the second of two versions, "meadow of love" is distilled as such: "The core six herbs are grand wormwood, anise, fennel, roman wormwood, hyssop, and lemon balm in different proportions than the Walton Waters. The seventh herb is violet." (walton waters is the other, more traditional of the two absinthe varieties available. for now, these elixirs are only available locally in NY's hudson valley and some places in NYC (see the website for details) but online ordering seems to be coming soon. I'm going up to Rhinebeck, NY to purchase some. *edit:demand is high, supply is low. still waiting for my taste... artisan wine shop in beacon, ny, will be carrying it in a week or two. i'm excited. now, i'm looking into home-distilling...
erin gleeson keeps a wonderful blog, Let's Be Self-Sufficient, where she has been detailing her backyard chicken coop, home-brewing gluten-free beer (!), making soap, and other such forays. she's supercute and funny, to boot. check it!
much love.
p.s. its prime time for preparing dandelion wine