
super food

so, like, i've been traveling a lot. for forever, but most recently, I went on an impromptu trip down the coast. when i'm traveling, i DO NOT let myself get caught up with truck stop food. usually i keep some dried fruits and nuts in the car, and a secret glove compartment stash of some nice dark chocolate. i still do all that, but i learned to make this DELICIOUS ELIXIR OF LIFE. i'm not kidding.

delicious elixir of life:

a sweet, spicy tea (i suggest Celestial Seasonings Bengal Spice or Organic India Red Chai Masala Tulsi Tea, both are decaf, both are delicious. bengal spice is more delicious to me, but the tulsi tea has the added benefits of Holy Basil. on a side note, holy basil is an adaptogen and i kinda think we'd all benefit from taking adaptogen herbs regularly. holy basil is one of my most treasured plant loves.)

1 tsp coconut butter or coconut manna (this is not just the oil- it has opaque fleshy butter in it, both links take you to the same actual STUFF, made by different brands. this ingredient is high in calories to keep your energy up, give you enough fuel to keep going. it is high in GOOD saturated fat! don't be scared of the fat content! its those carbs in all the nutritionally-empty foods that make fat bodies, not this good stuff! so don't be afraid. plus its delish)

1 tsp Royal Jelly, Bee Pollen and Propolis in Raw Honey.  (important: DO NOT PUT THIS IN SUPER HOT WATER! wait til the tea is warm, or don't boil the water up high rolling-like in the first place. the enzymes in the raw bee products should not be heated too high, or they lose the greatness of their functioning. the living enzyme action. ALSO if you can find someone local to get this stuff from, awesome, do it. also, you can purchase the different things separately and mix and match what you love. or you can buy it all together, which seems like the most decadent and incredible superfood known to me. its truly a high vibrational food. it ZINGS.)

 a heaping tablespoon of Chia seeds, for extra protein and texture.
coconut or almond milk to taste (for more treaty creaminess. you might like that. i often do.)

there you have it.
if you travel, pack these things and get the hot water wherever, and you've got the most incredibly delicious and nutritious elixir to keep you going forever.

here's a song that has nothing to do with this food, but i love the video and the voice.

technically, a person could eat only bee foods and thrive forever. and in all seriousness, if you want to have a simple diet and stop thinking about food forever, and just totally feel amazing, eat bee pollen, royal jelly, and propolis, in raw honey. you could supplement with spirulina, chlorella, and/or kelp, for variation, but not necessary.

Bee Pollen contains at least 22 amino acids, 18 vitamins, 25 minerals, 59 trace elements, 11 enzymes or co-enzymes, 14 fatty acids, 11 carbohydrates and approximately 25 % protein. Bee pollen is extremely rich in carotenes, which are metabolic precursors of vitamin A. It is also high In B complex and vitamins C, D, E and Lecithin. Bee pollen contains over 50 % more protein than beef, yet its fat content is very low. It is also an excellent vegetarian source of protein typically possessing more of the essential amino acids, pound for pound, than animal proteins like meat, eggs, and dairy products.

Daily use of pollen also ensures an intake of the more obscure, yet essential trace minerals that may be lacking from commercially grown produce and are often not included in vitamin mineral supplements. Most of us are unaware that the nutrients supplied by cooked fruits, vegetables and meats are not considered fresh because their enzymes have been exposed to high heat. Even taking a multivitamin can't offer the superior nutrient array of raw and fresh food.

(i took this from here, but if you do a little searching, you'll find info all over the place.)

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