anyway. the garden is just becoming abundant. here and there i had little harvests, but now there are real meals going on. and soon it will be even more plentiful! there are so many big green tomatoes about to turn, and about a dozen cucumbers almost done plumping. the corn, oh, the corn! its not ready yet, but its got ears! and hair! like a real baby! i love my corn babies. i can't wait to partake in their delicious! here are some pictures:

the whole darn thing

nature's candy, sugar cherry tomatoes, everyones' favorite snack.

flamingo peppers... i'm not sure if they're done maturing so i let them get a little older for now...

the flowering bloody butcher corn, so pretty!

ground cherries. of the cossack pineapple variety. these things are so amazing. nutty and sweet and tangy and buttery almost... they're so odd and delicious!!! yum. and prolific plants, man.

sugar snap peas and muskmelon leaves... i can't wait for the melons!!!
there a lots more garden pics on flickr- cayenne pepper, 5-color peppers, more corn pics, broccoli, and such if it fancies you to look at growing things.

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